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Jeeves's Prank

     I have a GPS that has never sent me wrong, except one time at 1:00am in the really wrong part of Cleveland. We found ourselves driving through blocks and blocks of dark dilapidated buildings; gaping windows with no glass, many boarded up. There were no cars at all on the street; here and there we could see a dim light in a 3rd story window.
    Then, as we were proceeding slowly through this, err... sketchy neighborhood, trying to get our bearings, suddenly without any warning we were almost lucky enough to be involved in a pretty good deal. A sharply dressed man with a cell phone to his ear ran out into the road in front of us, flagging us down and calling, "Yo! Yo!" (We were the white guys in the loaded down van with a bicycle on the roof; not exactly a usual sight, just there.)     
    "Ha, ha!" we waved; "Yo, yo, yourself, dude. Take care, now, we gotta bounce!"     
    I know it was rude of us, but we zoomed off. Our GPS, Jeeves, was still sounding absurdly confident:    "Recalculating..."


  1. Ha ha! You should have stopped to chat; I bet he had some very interesting things to discuss.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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