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The Inspector

     I don't remember how this myth originated, but when my boys were very young and they were acting up, I would caution them sternly that I hoped they would not make me call the Inspector! I believe I said it with humorous intent the first time, and to my surprise, the ominous threat terrified them into obedience. After that, I used the concept very sparingly, and only as a last resort; it always worked like a charm, to make them calm down and be more attentive to me.
     So one time, when the boys were about 3 and 6 respectively, we were walking through the shopping mall on some errand, and we passed an office window in a corner of the mall. Through the window under a light, we could see a man sitting at a desk, in an olive green uniform, with an officer's hat bearing some sort of insignia. He was concentrating on something at the desk, and he looked serious. The two wide-eyed boys looked at each other with a significant glance, and looked at me. I nodded, without saying a word, and we kept walking. Our cheerful mood soon returned, and I silently congratulated myself on my ability to keep a straight face.